This squirrel and several others in neighboring yards were singing their heads off in German Village the other day. There were no cats or other obvious reasons for panic. I used some of the magical powers the orbs have granted me to provide you with a translation:
Update: A squirrel, a nest, and a jet walk into a bar...

I will never hear squirrels the same way again...
They should go on tour.
they could open for the Chipmunks and the Beatles.
how closely was that squirrel rubbing the tree?
That squirrel picture is beyond awesome. It's really cute and just a perfect moment captured in time. Plus, the composition is terrific.
how closely was that squirrel rubbing the tree?
I come to this blog for the hot squirrel on tree action!!
It's really cute and just a perfect moment captured in time.
Quoth Nutkin, "Sheesh- paparazzi."
That squirrel was one of a pair that ran up a tree when I walked by.
While the tree itself is fairly substantial, all its limbs had been trimmed this fall and the only thing up there providing cover was an old squirrel nest.
So eventually one squirrel bravely (or otherwise) ran back down the tree and scurried off into the bushes, while the other hid behind the old nest. (See added pic.)
P.S. Thanks, vs!
wait. you're telling me that there are squirrels that live SOMEWHERE OTHER than inside the fascia of my house?
zrm, I think you mean soffit.
Architect RUMBLE!!!
No. No, I don't.
Quoth Nutkin, "Sheesh- paparazzi."
And now I am picturing a squirrel punching Thunder in the face.
That squirrel picture is beyond awesome.
why do I suspect that Herr Nutkin will be soon appearing in a manipulation?
At my new house, all the squirrels are jet black. Never seen the like of it. Plus, there's a fucking ocelot (you think I'm suffering from some sort of old addled deluded dementia, but you just wait, I've got a camera and I'm NOT afraid to whip it out!) that stalks 'em up and down the fence line.
Highly entertaining when you're old and deeply into the Sailor Jerry's...
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