Here is a trumpet vine fence along the W. and O.D. trail:

Just to the right of the trumpet flowers is this vine, which is similar (but has smooth leaves). I think it is Trumpet honeysuckle:

A little further down the trail near the Luck Stone quarry, there's a yellow trumpet vine:

The quarry:

And here's a little box turtle:
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Cute little turtle!
The trumpet vine prettifies the industrial fencing!
Nice to meet the turtle on your walk!
lovely vines and growth with blooms of 3 kinds! sweet little box turtle! so pretty.
Hello, I like the pretty trumpet vine blooms. The turtle is cute! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
thanks for the name, I took photos of the trumpet vine recently without knowing what they really are :)
Tiny tortoise!
Trumpet Vine is really pretty. So is the honeysuckle. Neat shot of the quarry and what a cute little turtle.
Sweet cute little turtle, you are a pleasure to see! As well as your lovely greenery bursting through the fences! Nice walk about town with you today!
wow, that was a small turtle. In your hands :)
Great shots today.
Aww, that's the cutest turtle! I like the trumpet vine but I have heard it is invasive and hard to control once it takes over. I don't think I have seen the smaller one.
Love that turtle! Hummingbirds love trumpet vine, it might be a good location to photograph them.
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