One day, a flock of mockingbirds lined up along the construction fence at my old elementary school. Here are two of them:

Here's the Streambank Mock Orange. Note that the giant bin being used for the neighbors' 10 month long reconstruction project is finally gone. Not gone: the bazillion mosquitoes that grew up in that bin.

And here's an Ashburn dragonfly (female Eastern Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis).

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
That first shot is my favorite. I need to hunt down some more fences with flowers for the linkup.
Enjoyed your post today....
The flowers on the wooden fence is such a pretty scene.
Que lindo! Fotos muito belas! abraços, ótimo fim de semana,chica
Hello, I like the trumpet vine and fencing. The pondhawk is pretty. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
i love trumpet vines but they can tear up a wooden fence. :) sorry about the skeeters!
Love the trumpet vine along the fence and that is a very pretty close up of the dragonfly!
The flowering vine on the fence is so pretty. Also a nice shot of the dragonfly.
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