I think this is a Pearl Crescent Butterfly - Phyciodes tharos:

Cloudless Sulphur, Phoebis sennae:

I thought this was a beetle. It is an Ailanthus webworm moth:

Female Eastern Pondhawk, Erythemis simplicicollis:

I'm also linking to Carmi's Thematic Photographic 382 - Street Signs. These signs are around (or on) the W. and O.D. trail.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
moth - wow, that's surprising!
I have two books on moths and mothing and want to learn more about them... Great nature photos... Michelle
That is one deceptive moth!
Love that webworm moth - very smart! And I'd love to adopt a stream - do you think they've got one to spare??
Hello, pretty butterflies and dragonfly captures. One of my favorite is the Cloudless Sulphur.
Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
I love flutterbys and dragonflies
You are a danged etymologist (is that the right one?) I adore the colors and your attitude as usual :)
Hello! Such wonderful butterflies and dragonfly, as well! So lovely nature... Have a very pleasant day and weekend, too!
Great shots & I like the name of the creek in the last sign!
I had to read the name on the last photo, it looks just like a favorite place I like to visit, and I thought hey he's in Minnesota. But no. Love your butterflies, you are my go to bug man, and of course dog man too! Always neat shots.
That may very well be the quintessential trailhead. That picture should be used in the dictionary.com entry for 'Trailhead'...
Nice shots.I love it when the little critters are captured so beautifully.
Some of the things sold in Flea Markets I feel sure host the little b*****s!!
I. a fan of butterflies and n of the webworm moth. I can see me hiking down some Michigan trails like yours in the next few weeks but have not seen one as well marked as yours.
Love these photos!
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