This bee is new to me. Shaped somewhat like a small, shiny black bumblebee. It could fly as smoothly as a hover fly. A mason bee, maybe?

Carmi's Thematic Photographic 379 is Reflective. I have nothing great in that department currently, but here are some pics of Lake Siri from July.

Dog Department: Amelia

And Theda. (Do you see the chipmunk?)

lovely shots.
Hugs to Amelia and Theda.
I can't help on the bee identification ...but am happy to see any bees posted to Nature Notes... Michelle
Those are really astounding photos of the insects. I've been trying all summer to get ones like that - it's hard!
I love your photos of reflections. Beautiful.
Those lakes are so beautiful and calm. Lovely reflections. Does Amelia's tail always look like a question mark?? And would Theda have got that chipmunk?
Those lakes are so beautiful and calm. Lovely reflections. Does Amelia's tail always look like a question mark?? And would Theda have got that chipmunk?
Hello, pretty captures of the pollinators. I always love to see Amelia and Theda. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
It's always a mystery as to what flowers end up in honey.
Pretty reflections and bees. LOVE Theda of COURSE!
Love seeing any insects that are foreign to me - that top bee is especially interesting. Nice to see Theda and Amelia, and the lovely reflections in Lake Siri!
It's always great to see new and different insects around that have found your garden! You take some great photos. Did your doggie end up chasing the chipmunk??
Not a ripple on Lake Sin to break up the reflective surface. Bee shots rate an 'A+'
Lake Siri is as reflective as Crescent Lake on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. However, I found myself distracted by bees on flowers today -- perhaps because I was taking a few shots like this last weekend.
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