As you may have noticed, I rarely take pictures of people. But sometimes, it happens...and this also happens to be Carmi's theme this week.
In other news, I believe this is a tree swallow, watching over Lake Siri:
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Thought about you yesterday. While out walking new puppy Bruno, I saw an emerald colored hummingbird hovering near a magnolia tree and thought: "Damn, if only I were Thunder I could get a picture of it."
Thought about you yesterday. While out walking new puppy Bruno, I saw an emerald colored hummingbird hovering near a magnolia tree and thought: "Damn, if only I were Thunder I could get a picture of it."
I don't always get their picture, Jim H. They are very aware and quick little birds. One was at my sister's feeder the other day.
It buzzed in mid-air, getting a good eyeful of the human with camera in hand, and then zoomed off into the treetops.
I got nothing...
It's true, rarely a human if ever! I adore that pool it's quite inviting! I have to put my strangers together too!
We could have done with that pool a couple of weeks ago, now even the swallows are starting their migration to warmer climes.
Like you, thunder, I tend to have relatively few people shots. That pool looks very inviting - or it would do if it was warm here :)
That's a nice little bird on a pole.
The pool looks cool - but why are there no people in it?? Good shot of the swallow - they don't stay still for long!
Like the cardinal flowers - are they wild or in the garden? I grow one in a pot but have to take it inside for the winter.
Bugs are people too! Great shots.
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