This old swing set is decaying in the woods. I wonder if ghost children play on it at night, amongst the orbs?

And now for a bit of dragonfly blogging. This is a Halloween Pennant, Celithemis eponina.

An Eastern Amberwing (aka the Flying Cheeto), in a rare moment of repose.

How about some turtles?

(Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Love the dragonflies. They're a great invention.
Sir, I do not come here for turtle porn. Good day. I SAID 'GOOD DAY!'
PS--I'm so in love with the gothy swings. The dragonfly shots are amazing.
Great pictures and scary ghost thoughts!!
thunder, I found a site of a bagillion dragonflies yesterday (b/c of your shot) and you CANNOT tell me that they are not aliens!
I will not say they're not aliens.
They probably think the same thing about us, though. When I'm trying to get their pictures (have I mentioned they don't hold still much), they often hover right near me, taking a good look.
Then they'll do a "did you know I can fly straight backwards without appearing to move a muscle" that Michael Jackson could only have dreamed of.
I've never been to Erie. Does it really swing?
Love that last dragonfly. Perfect orange and so transparent looking.
thanks for visiting my broken post this week.
My best friends are dragonflies! Seriously! I buzz you not! The old swing set is very inviting to me too!
Yes, Ghost children definitely on those swings. and probably on my bench, thought not if they have ghostly bad backs!!
I love your dragon flies - really beautiful. You must have a lot of patience. And a lot more dragonflies than we do in the UK!!!
another OH YEAH...dragonflies!
(you even found what kind they are!)
'halloween pennant'
and turtles...(one of my totems)
Laura, here is a site that can help with dragonfly identification.
I think you have pictures of Blue Dasher, Pachydiplax longipennis, both male and female on your blog.
I would like to exchange links with you.
This is possible?
The dragonfly ID site is pretty slick!
Huh huh huh.
He said longipennis.
How do you get the dragonflies to pose for you? They wont stand still for me.
thunder, I found a site of a bagillion dragonflies yesterday (b/c of your shot) and you CANNOT tell me that they are not aliens!
You should see the young ones!
You need to whisper to them, Aunt Snow.
On a slightly more serious note, generally they won't stand still for me, either. But there's about a bazillion of them by the lake and the fish ponds, so if you walk down there with the camera all the time, you'll get your chances.
I see that Camp Crystal Lake is still spooky.
Are Flying Cheetos crispy or puffed?
They're pretty skinny, Jennifer, so I'd have to say "crispy".
Great pictures! That swing set does look haunted.
I would like to exchange links with you.
This is possible?
July 30, 2012 11:30 AM
Many things are possible, Nonnie, but I'd have to know what the link is and your connection to it.
OMG do I love turtles!!
The swingset photo is also wicked cool.
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