I noticed this squirrel lounging under the bird feeder earlier in the week. Then he climbed the flag pole and looked at it. Eventually, he figured out that the only way to get at it was to jump from the flag pole. A day or so later, I heard some of the local ravens on the front porch yelling their heads off. Nutkin was on the feeder, and another of his tribe was in the front lawn watching the proceedings. Now there are at least two of them raiding the feeder.

Other business: Russian Sage, Perovskia atriplicifolia

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
That's kahmyounist sage!
It sure is, Mandos.
All hail King Squirrel, Lord of the Asphalt Jungle.
Nutkin was on the feeder, and another of his tribe was in the front lawn watching the proceedings. Now there are at least two of them raiding the feeder.
And if Nutkin jumped off a cliff??? Hmmm?? Would you be following your friend, then??
Nutkin looks vicious in picture # 3! Yikes!
Love that fat bumble bee. :)
Love the squirrels. Very crafty, they are. And as for your Russian sage, where do you live, for heavens sake! Mine has shoots about one inch long and doesn't look as though it will flower until Christmas. If it doesn't pull its socks up, its for the CHOP!
PS - The bee is great!
thunder has been bought out by Big Squirrel. Everyone is corrupt.
squirrelsaurus is great! A very fun series :)
Oh, I and really like the pictures of your russian sage!
Cool closeup of the bee, but I really love the squirrel series. Cute little thieves.
Clever Nutkin, very clever...
Speaking of Squirrelsaurus...
Thanks people!
That Russian Sage is growing on the sunny side of a house in West Virginia.
Squirrels rule! OK!
Great bee shot.
Hope you got your power back. Clearly, your mojo is!
I like the vibe in pic #2, the battle hardened squirrel striding through the carnage, ruler of all he surveys, denizen of a violent world, red in tooth and claw.
Plus, your squirrels are of a particularly streamlined variety, high velocity match-grade squirrels, not the desperately obese, obese, unkempt n'ere do well fence runners that occupy my back yard...
What gangster-looking squirrels! They sure look as if they're not to be messed with. Good series.
I am also a member of the love-the-sage society :)
That Russian sage is just gorgeous. Now is that something edible?
Big Squirrel lobbies to keep government nuts.
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