UPDATE: Carmi has posted his 200th Thematic Photographic: - Abstract
It occurred to me that you can crop your pictures to tell the story you want to tell. The first here is a crop from "rainy morning geese" above. And the 2nd is another of Lake Siri.

Here is the above picture, uncropped. And yes, it was taken before 7:06 A.M. Sunday morning. Thanks, Notorious D.O.G.!

For some reason I feel like that deer is my best friend and I want to cluck like a chicken.
I am your willing thrall.
I am your willing thrall.
Scary deer!!
...love that Earl Scruggs
I have no speakers up here and I must scream that Darkthrone is for all the orbs in man.
I was walking the Notorious D.O.G. when I took that picture.
The dog was busy sniffing some leaves and didn't notice the deer until it leaped up and ran away.
Cropping is a good photographer's friend.
I crop like crazy!
Looks like The Deerminator".
Nice cropping for the abstract, leaves a lot to the imagination.
nice shots! :)
That poor deer needs some legs!! Let's start a fund!
You shoulda seen that deer a second after I took the picture, Jennifer.
I think that deer is Possessed!
Is he looking into my soul? It feels that way....
Beautiful pictures. :)
Theda has apparently decided to let the geese off with a slap on the wrist.
Wotta liberal.
You're lucky the deer didn't blast you with frickin' lasers!
"Foggy mountain breakdown" is skree-inducing. Soooooooooo pretty.
The ducks are gorgeous.
And isn't it FUN to play with your photos?
Walking the D.O.G. doesn't happen for me anymore since Adi's arthritis got so bad. She walks now with the aid of pills and shots.
We did come up on two deer on a walk when she was younger. She 'tracked' the deer for about a mile with her Beagle sniffer to help.
Good job on the triming. I cropped mine some to emphasis the "Blob" more.
You know, I always figured Satan would take the form of some charming, charismatic figure. (I'm talking, of course, about Dick Cavett or President Obama.) But I never dreamed he'd take the form of a deer.
Oh deer!
The deer blames the lighting and makeup crew, says we'll be hearing from his or her lawyer.
Darkthrone and Bambi go together. Or maybe Bambi's mom.
I love a good cropping.
TMI, Lisa!
Erm, Nonny Moose was I.
I was wondering who that nonny moose you see all over the internets was.
I'll say anything to get a look at vacuumslayer's avatar.
Crop me, baby.
ifthethunderdontgetya, I hate to bother you on your blog, but I felt I must. You clued me in on an Eschaton commenter named Gromit reporting that Chris Tucker had passed away. Is there any way you can get me in touch with Gromit? I believe that the Chris Tucker who died recently also belonged to our little online community - he hasn't posted since March 2012 and I hate to use the cliche, but we're just looking for closure. Thanks. - tinheart
Don't hate me because that deer makes me think "Breakfast"!!!
tinheart, I have no email addy for Gromit, but he's a regular here.
Furthermore, gromit14@mac.com
What did you do to Bambi's eyes?!! great water photos...amazing, I just wish we had better weather....well maybe my next trip! I have to say I like the Scruggs too!
Now youhave made me thing that the cropped bits are better than the picture. How do you save the bits you cut off? I'm sure I have lost the best off mine.
Bob, I never overwrite the original picture. I crop them and save the result as "June 2012 k 037 crop", for instance.
(That's my filing system: I just downloaded 131 pictures from the camera, and those are now the k series for this month.)
In Soviet Russia, headlights are in the deer!
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