I don’t know if America has a leadership problem; it certainly has a followership problem. Vast majorities of Americans don’t trust their institutions. That’s not mostly because our institutions perform much worse than they did in 1925 and 1955, when they were widely trusted. It’s mostly because more people are cynical and like to pretend that they are better than everything else around them. Vanity has more to do with rising distrust than anything else.
Many of the best minds on the internets have already dissected Bobo's latest wankfest. From Atrios to Echidne to Charles Pierce to driftglass.
I'll just post a video for all the little people at their Applebee's salad bars, busy questioning authority.
Other Beesness:

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
I've heard it's a long way to Fritillary. Doesn't quite seem to be the case.
And that bee is the problem. They hire Contractor bees, they don't have to give them benefits, there's no risk in terminating them, the shareholders love the lower headcount - meanwhile it just gets harder and harder to find a job...
Vanity has more to do with rising distrust than anything else.
Yeah, vanity.
Bees are people, too, mikey.
B^4, this column is more proof that Bobo has a young child's self-awareness.
what gets me about the column is, does he think anyone buys that crap? does he think his ideas are pearls of wisdom and marvels at how wonderful he is?
Or is it just his job to catapult the propaganda that supports the elite, regardless of how shameless and transparent it all is; and that it doesn't matter because the money is enough for the shriveled raisin of a soul that is all that remains at his dark, corrupted and venal center?
also, cerberus takes a whack at the doofus at Sadly. You may want to update your post.
Or not. I am sure Theda may want to interrogate the geese again, and that is certainly more important than David fucking Brooks.
Brooks has a $3.95 million dollar house, purchased with his right-wing propaganda skills.
I'm not sure he cares, but this one really stunk up the joint.
yes, thunder, we've established what he is.
I am just wondering at the level of awareness and whether the 4 million dollar 'vast space for entertaining' is an attempt to fill some yawning cavity.
Could be a case of, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it."
In other words, he buys his own b.s., even when it consists of the same few tricks repeated over and over.
n other words, he buys his own b.s.,
Yeah, that's the saddest.
So does he think anybody else buys it, or does he not care?
I prefer my Brooks to be Mel or even Aaron except for that one year when he was a turnover machine.
If we're so vain (or uppity I guess), what would he have to say about the hubris of our overlords?
Or is that completely different?
When certain institutions are so incredibly broke, isn't it common sense to question them, and then attempt to come up with some answers, if such things exist?
That fritillary is moderately spangled at best.
When certain institutions are so incredibly broke, isn't it common sense to question them, and then attempt to come up with some answers, if such things exist?
not for an authoritarian. Failure is ALWAYS because of DFHs, NEVER of the institutions or the people who run them.
Witness Jaime Dimon tonguebath at congress.
Are the bees helping with the Lake Siri massacree?
I need Theda to give us an update.
Sorry...been beesy!
I've got some more pictures that might be ready soon. Just a little more time in the oven...
I'm late to say it, but it's no less relevant. Feh to David Brooks.
I prefer to look at the pretty butterflies.
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