Steamed? Yes, right away.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
UPDATE: I had the idea of linking to Carmi's Thematic 199 - Got the blues last night, but I was too tired and went to bed instead.

The title in the last one is not well-spelled.
That one chipmunk has evil orb eyes. How close were you able to approach it?
Get ciew, M.B.!
B^4, the first one was outside the basement door, and was probably about 16 feet away.
The second was taken while I was walking the dog, and was about half that distance...that hole just to the right is what chipmunk dived into just after I took the picture. I've got another pic of the first that's even orbier that I might put up in a bit.
Looks like the photographer needs a hand.
Could you lend me a fin or two, fish?
Don't tell me this supervolcano is overdue to blow, too. At least death will come swiftly.
Even Chipmunks get the blues...
How big are those clouds?
I got those Where-the-fuck-did-I-put-those-acorns-I'm-about fixin'-to-fucking-die-here-blues.
I should have held my hand up to those clouds to show how big they were. They were almost as big as that leaf!
Chipmunk with the blues.
That's one scary chipmunk. Those dudes are all over my n'hood. We're expecting snakes soon to take 'em out.
Chipmonks don't bother me.
I like those chipmunks - not something we have over here. But maybe that is a good thing?
But where are those blue mountains??
It's Berkeley Springs, W.V., Gilly.
Love the munks and their orbs.
The goslings were scuttling around Lost Lagoon yesterday.
Awesome Vanna White impression with that leaf thunder.
Thanks, B.G.
Behind leaf number 3, we have a brand new washer-dryer set!
Damn, that WOULD be a big leaf...
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