These pictures came from a trip for work to Arizona. I had to fly into Phoenix, visit a couple of properties, and then drive up to Page. I timed the trip so I'd hit the Grand Canyon on Friday afternoon, and then fly back home on Sunday.

I'm going to have to visit NW New Mexico soon. I hope to do some hiking on Mount Taylor.
I've been sent to Phoenix for work in July. (When I had a "job.")
And I've been complaining about the heat in L. A. What a wimp.
I flew into Phoenix and drove to Yuma for a site visit in either July or August of 2008.
(I think...I might have some pictures to confirm the date but they're on the work pc).
It hit 118 while I was in Yuma.
Arizona has so much great stuff in it. And fine senators.
I love the colours in the different layers of the second picture.
I always think that a big enough vinyl recored needle could replay the sounds of the history in those layers.
Thank goodness that foot is there for scale.
That foot is for the bill, Jennifer.
I'm just toeing the line, ZRM.
thank you for getting the spelling right on the cliche, thunder....
most people want to TOW the line, which usually gets their brains eated.
fucking tow.
Doesn't bother me half as much as the constant misuse of "carrot and stick."
..."Masonary" also does it for me.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...
I flew into Phoenix and drove to Yuma for a site visit in either July or August of 2008.
It was 2007. I have the pictures of the site visit (a fine LIHTC project, completed on time and well occupied).
However, the visit to some scenic desert (and crawling under barbed wire by the highway to access same) has been disappeared.
I vaguely recall that my camera got set to an unfriendly setting, and I failed to notice as I clicked away. So those pictures were ash canned.
Anyways, it was 2007, not 2008.
Record heat.
..."Masonary" also does it for me.
Hey, us vanilla folks need love too.
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