Independence and Strength
Furthermore, here's the cartoon:
In the post below, I was looking into the background of one Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
Note the first comment:
Tue, 05/05/2009 - 15:09 — pissed off patricia
I didn't know this about Sessions. I mean I knew he was a total jerk but I didn't know this ugly side of him. How the hell did he ever get elected in the first place with a background like this?
His looks remind me of the mouse in the Tom and Jerry cartoons

Well, another Kiwi? lawnguylander? What have you to say for your Jerrymandering ways now?
UPDATE: Unsurprisingly, the Mouse Problem remains unabated, in spite of the evidence.
My immediate thought was that could either be his cocksucking expression, or his 'O' face, and either way my brain has betrayed me and must be beaten against the wall.
But the question remains, ZRM: Do you rate for Tom, or rate for Jerry?
I rate for pissed off patricia.
So you try make it the same with the old man and the Jerry. Becomes the mouse with the old man and facts!! No! Pictured is the lies with 50cent and guns and hot babes.
Ratings for Jerry is the pure heart and the good mind. The cat is the terronist and so is the not real name Patricia
I'm surprised not one bit by the denial of the Jerrymanderers.
Even photographic evidence can not cure their craven behaviors.
Time to add an update video!
Tom raters! With the bad cat and the bombs! The mouse has poor repression in the hole in the wall. The cat with the cream!!
Happens the cat to be accidental?? He is makes the plans are cruel. He is like the violence ones.
Time wraits for no man!!
HA! I say!
I definitely rate for Janet
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