My contribution to Eileeninmd's
Saturday's Critters #127.
This little sparrow was so intent on its bath, it didn't care much about Theda and I walking by:
A rose from the neighborhood:
My sister's Clematis:
It's been a while since Theda made an appearance. Here she is!
That was a rare day of sunshine in D.C. The rain played havoc with the flower-laden azaleas, and even got the rhododendrons down. But one big old shrub is happy as a duck: The magical mystery birdie bush, aka the Streambank Mock Orange (Philadelphus hirsutus):
Anni at I'd Rather B' Birdin' mentioned that the Sweet Mock Orange (Philadelphus-coronarius) has flowers with a very intense smell. This isn't the case with the Streambank. Here's an apple core that a chipmunk started running off with. Chippie heard me open the window to take a picture and scampered off, leaving a
Catbird to swoop in for some lunch.
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