I was doing some (much-needed) weeding in the backyard when Mr. or Mrs. Robin decided to help.

I'm also contributing to TexWiscGirl's Good Fences #113. Here's a common grackle, sitting pretty.
And a horse pasture full of buttercups:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Linda flor e fotos todas! beijos,chica e tudo de bom!
Pretty flower and I have some of your robins relatives here too..they love when I till up some worms in the garden...Michelle
Does the common gackle make an uncommon cackle? We don't have such fine looking birds here.
Love the shot through the fence to the dandelion pasture!
Oops I see it should be grackle!
Hello, great shots and fence scene. The peony and the robin are my favorites. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
I raise you two lilacs.
Lovely birds and fences. That is just a perfect combination!
A perfect combination- fences and birds.
I like that last shot. Such a pretty, yellow field!
Peonies! They're impossible to grow here as it's too warm, so I am very envious - they are gorgeous flowers. Nice birds too. I looked up common grackle, then felt sorry for him/her, as the names of all of the other varities must give Mr Common an inferiority complex, especially the Slender-billed grackle, the Golden tufted grackle, and the Velvet-fronted grackle!
pretty bunch of photos. loved the hoopdi-fence. :)
I enjoy your quirky humor and nice photos
Love the little birds... not sure about the pun, though! ;-)
Pretty Peony.
Nice fence that the Grackle is sitting on. I think they have pretty colors in their feathers.
Great title, and lovely snaps. I especially like that first fence, it's something I could see around here! Hehehe!
Love your photos!
Have a great week-end!
Great grackle picture, you really captured the bird's iridescence.
A lovely peony and the birds are pretty.
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