My contribution to Michelle's Nature Notes (#365).
The birds are cautious around Chippy, even the Cardinals (who otherwise can be pretty territorial about the seeds).
Bee seeing you again soon!
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Thanks to you I just posted a two for one both weeks I missed at Carmi's blog. Thank you. Every time I checked there wasn't a TP! then things got way busy. Here's mine for Shopping and By the Water's Edge!
Love that chipmunk - all we get eating the bird food are grey squirrels - and I can do without those! And your cardinals are so beautiful. Carmi's got a theme this week "by the waters edge" - think your duck ?Mallard - would be good!
Lindas fotos e adoraria ter esquilinhos por perto! beijos,chica
I love bees. Where would we bee without them?
You could make a greeting card out of your bee photo and caption (if anyone sent greeting cards any more).
Oh Mr. Chips is such a fierce one. LOL
LOve the bee.
Hello, Chippy is a cutie! I love the flowers and bee images. Have a happy day and week ahead!
Could this BEE any nicer?! Chippie is the star
Now that little chipmunk has a real big smile on its face. Great photos!
Sweet Chippie! I'll bee seeing you too, like tomorrow for good fences!
Thanks to you I just posted a two for one both weeks I missed at Carmi's blog. Thank you. Every time I checked there wasn't a TP! then things got way busy. Here's mine for Shopping and By the Water's Edge!
I read that chippys will eat a bird egg or nestling if they come across it, but how could they? They are so the bees always...Michelle
Love that chipmunk - all we get eating the bird food are grey squirrels - and I can do without those! And your cardinals are so beautiful. Carmi's got a theme this week "by the waters edge" - think your duck ?Mallard - would be good!
Those bee photos are gorgeous!
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