If this isn't a Streambank Mock Orange (Philadelphus hirsutus), I'm a monkey's uncle!

Here's a picture from January when I first started wondering about the birdie bush. (The male cardinals were much more willing to hang out together back then...now they're very territorial.)

In March with the snow on:

I'm also contributing to Anni's I'd Rather B Birdin'. Here are some of the usual suspects next to the Streambank Mock Orange:

Tulips are almost all done around here, but Irises are coming out. Happy Mothers Day!

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
I love the irises and the cardinals are gorgeous!
Hello, your blooming bush is lovely. Great shots of the cardinals. I love the flowers too.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!
Love the iris...wish they'd grow HERE!
Of course, I always love viewing cardinals. Both sexes are equally pretty.
Thanks for posting a link for us birders this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'.
glad you have an i.d.! it's a pretty thing!
Cardinals can make your day. (for me)
Pretty irises
Love the smell of Spring in this post!
I love seeing the Cardinals out and about. My Irises are blooming too.
Beautiful cardinals, I never tire of watching them.
The mystery is solved! I do love shrubs with white flowers. Yesterday I ripped out all of the roses from my front garden, and am looking for interesting plants to replace them with. Mock oranges are pretty, but I would have to find a low-growing variety. In this climate, anything that the label says grows to 1 metre actually grows to 3...
Lovely irises, too.
Hello!:) Lovely white flowers, and Irises, and it's always a pleasure to see the Cardinals, nice shots!:)
Cardinals and irises, a great combination of photos for this morning.
That's a nice big mock orange without deer to nibble on it. I love the fragrance, mine are just about to start blooming. I wish I could watch Cardinals playing on it.
in your images summer is much better then winter. :)
Love a mock orange. They smell heavenly. Gorgeous iris!
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