And here's a full view of the mystery birdie bush. There are 3 Mr. Cardinals, along with assorted Mrs. Cardinals and sparrows.

Anni suggested crepe myrtle as a possibility. (And I'm linking to Anni's I'd Rather B Birdin'.) There are plenty of them in the neighborhood, but I've never seen one this large (and old) that didn't have at least some thicker trunks going into the ground. Here's one with branches that look somewhat similar:

Any thoughts, Theda?

P.S. Cooler weather arrived today after it rained cats and dogs all night. There's a full house out there now:

UPDATE: I took lots of pictures of forsythias in March and April, and I can see that by April 20th most of the blossoms were gone. Here's a picture of Theda next to that bush on April 24:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Hello, Is your mystery bush a Forsythia? Our looks just like your photos in the winter time. Love the sparrows, Cardinals and your cute Theda. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!
Thanks, Eileen. If I could remember what flowers it has when blooming, this would be an easy question.
But I'm totally blanking on it...I'm checking through my old spring photo archives to see if I took a pic.
I think I need to study natural history books other than birds. Can't help with your bush but "Bloggers.com" will help for sure - there's a lot of expertise out there.
Now the third photo from the top is definitely a crepe myrtle....you can see the thin shredding crepe like bark on the trunk/limbs.
Interesting post as always. Your sharing the link and this post at I'd Rather B Birdin' is very appreciated. Thanks.
It rained cats and dogs? That's a phrase I haven't used for a while.
Aw! Yes, cats and dogs today!
Great place for the birds to hide....
It rained cats and dogs here as well. Now changed to snow with bitterly cold temps. Stay warm!
cooler temps here - freezing at night. hi, theda!
Sweet, sweet Theda
Thanks to the bright red bills of the female cardinals I was able to find them! Those bushes are certainly attractive to the birds.
I'm going with whatever Theda says! I did love the pop of bright red cardinal in the mystery bush!
Hello!:)The mystery bush is a great meeting place for your garden birdies.Nice to meet your dog Theda!:)Cheers!
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