My contribution to Eileeninmd's Saturday's Critters #111.
P.S. Here is Mrs. Cardinal and company. I am also linking to Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin'.
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Hello, Mrs Cardinal is happy to share her buffet. Great shots. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your critter post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!
Que lindo cardeal, lindas fotos na neve! bjs, chica
Hello, Mrs Cardinal is happy to share her buffet. Great shots. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your critter post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!
Good (happy) feathered friends, enjoying life's bounties!
Mrs Cardinal is very generous and she is pretty too!
Os pássaros se destacam muito no fundo branco da neve.
Bom domingo! Boa semana!
✿゚ه° ·.
sweet birds
A beautiful bird. We don't get them around our place. - Margy
Wonderful....the of my all time favorite birds....since childhood [and that was long, long, LONG ago!]
Excellent photos.
Thanks so much for using the linking tool this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin''s appreciated!!!
i like when birds are buddies.
Sharing is best :)
They make a cute couple.
That's what quality family time looks like! Hope they enjoyed their picnic!
They reminded me The Three Musketeers book by Alexandre Dumas))) All for one and one for all!
Snow birds!
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