The people who live at this house put out seeds on their front walk. As one comes past the bushes on the sidewalk, all the critters spring into action. Usually they're all gone before I can snap anything, but this time I came by with the camera on and just snapped the shutter as soon as I passed the last bush.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
quick on the trigger!
On the front walk..? My neighbors would have a fit and report it... Cute photos... The wildlife in some areas was lucky this winter, not so much in others..Michelle
Wonderful fence photos and beautiful nature shots ~ thanks for visiting ^_^
Happy Weekend to you, ^_^
Hello, I always enjoy seeing the birds and your Theda! Have a happy weekend!
Snapped at the perfect moment! Lots of action caught on camera!
laughing at that leap! :) hi, theda! thanks for sharing the fencery!
A lovely post, and love your photos!
Great snaps! Surprised seeds are on the front walk!
What a great action shot! I love Mrs Cardinal.
Nutkin has a stunt double.
Fabulous....that last image is soooooooo good!!
It's like, lights, camera........ACTION.
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