Mr. and Mrs. Downy Woodpecker on the deck table, Thursday, January 21, 2016, 10:24:29 AM:

I'm also contributing to Michelle's Nature Notes (#348). We had no seed here in D.C., so I put out some whole wheat bread for the birds in the birdie bush.
I guessed the sparrows would like it the more, but I think the cardinals actually ate most of it. I put a slice on a branch, but they pecked it onto the ground and seemed more comfortable getting it there. I also put out some Granny Smith apple cores. They liked those, too.

Yesterday, I was able to get some birdseed:

I'm sticking with the birdie bush for TexWiscGirl's Good Fences 97. The bush is as full of birds as I've ever seen it. (By the way, this is my current guess at its identification.)

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
You have a lovely deck with table and chairs to sit and relax. Nice fencing too!
Hello, I am looking forward to spring and seeing our snow melt. I lvoe the woodies and the cardinal. The birds appreciate you putting out the bird food. Have a happy day!
Save the birds! Brave souls sticking it out through that blizzard.
You have a beautiful place, and a beautiful heart to feed the birds! <3
I'm so glad to see the birds enjoying your provisions for them!
Nice bird and fence shots! I'm seeing lots of snow today via blogs. No snow at my house!
So very nice of you to think of the birds. Sometimes I leave bread out for the birds as well. - The sunshine on the fence in the last shot looks nice.
Que lugar e fotos lindas! beijos, chica
glad they could find forage at your place!
lucky birds to have you to look out for them!
Nice to see the Cardinal out!
The birdie bush is a perfect name for it... Thanks for feeding the birds in this weather.. I have 20 mallards in a tiny place of open water on the pond. They were really hungry..but not now...Michelle
The birds do seem to be congregating in trees and bushes here as well. I love your cardinals.
Ideal for the birds and the watchers too.
I love the little downys. Nice captures of the cardinals as well.
Ooh, I love those Cardinals! I put out some apples for the blackbirds, but the squirrel came along and took them all off, one by one!
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