I went back for a better picture. They seemed quite at home!

We've finally got some cooler weather (down to the 30s). It's been so warm all the flowers are confused.

UPDATE: I'm also contributing to Anni's I'd Rather Be Birdin'. I'm not sure what kind of bush this is, but it's very popular with the sparrows and cardinals.

It had small dark berries running along the branches, but they've mostly been eaten. Here's a pic of what remains:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
They're beautiful animals. Happy new year to you!
Hello, the deer are so pretty. I think they are good at jumping fences. Great mocker photo. we are having colder weather now too.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
Amazing!!! They don't seem afraid of you...but still, keeping alert.
Oh well done! They are quite at home looking in that garden!
The Deer are so amazing, they are lovely.
little leapers!
it sounds strange with all fenced in deers.
Wish you a happy new year :)
They are good jumpers I guess
I think the Bambi look pretty and I think they were as surprised as you were.
Maybe Bambi thinks he's a pet.
Beautiful pictures of Bambi.
Best regards, Irma
Beautiful animals !!
Fantastic pictures !!
Have a nice Sunday !
Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.
What a sweet post. Happy New Year to YOU, Dear!
no deer in my yard...
...But! I got pooped on my a stinkin' mockingbird yesterday!
I guess it was mocking me.
Thanks for sharing your link this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'....the seed pods look just like our crepe myrtle, and our sparrows love 'em too.
Those deer at good at jumping fences on the way in. But then they panic on the way out. Looks like Anni may have solved the berry mystery.
I think I've recently become guilty of attracting the deer to our neighborhood. Sometimes there are 3 or 4 helping themselves to the birdfeeder. I hope the neighbors have a sense of humor about it.
Pretty shots. Love your mockingbird!
Cool views of, Bambi and Co. :)
We saw a documentary on PBS where they said that deer can jump fences 6-7 feet tall if need be and also eat meat - eat baby birds, if there no other food is available.
Have a Healthy & Joyous 2016!
Peace :)
Lucky you! I know they figure you're an okay person, but still they have to be a bit protective. Great shots. I hope you're enjoying the beginning of our new year!
Love the deer!
Happy New Year!
Amazing nature love from poland
Happy New Year! Love the bird bush! How fun. The strange weather pattern must be so confusing to the birds as well as plants.
Great photos! Your poor flowers might not bloom in the spring! Loved seeing the deer.
the Bambi are curious...i love their cute little faces!! great birdie captures as well!!!
Can't help with the plant ID, but those deer are a nice find! Happy New Year!
Deer can jump fences lower than 8', which is what I strive for. Once a deer was inside my fence because I forgot to shut the gate, and when I got near it tried to jump out but crashed into the fence and then managed to jump through a gap in the bamboo strung with wire. I added plastic netting to fill in the gaps. And try to remember to shut the gate. But they are cute. One summer there was a deer that I could motion to and it would walk by me to the apple tree for a snack.
I don't know your berries- they seem to have a hard split shell, I can't see what is inside that might be edible.
Hello, and Belated Happy New Year and wish you started wonderful year 2016♪
Great pictures; love to see these adorable birds and smiled about the Bambi "How did you get here?" :-)
Also made me think about the nature you have which I don't☆☆☆
Wishing you a great year ahead.
Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
I love watching the deer. They jump so high!
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