This is my contribution to this week's I'd Rather B Birdin'. I thought this Mockingbird might be sick, but Phil suggested it's likely in post-breeding moult:

Michelle quoted the author of Charlotte's Web for Nature Notes (#327). Here we have an Marbled Orb Weaver - (Araneus marmoreus):

Last (but not least), Theda by a creek.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Yep, this is molting season...so I think Phil's correct for the mockingbird.
Spiders....ewwww!!! lol
Thanks for sharing your link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Always appreciated.
Fotos sempre lindas e até aranha? Tenho medo delas, sejam do tamanho que forem... beijos,chica
Good morning, love the image of the woods. LOL, your mocker looks like some of my bald headed jays. The spider is cool looking. Great photos, enjoy your day!
Do love your backyard, colour or monochrome! And that spider is very colourful, ours seem to be boring black! I'll be back soon with thematic phots I sincerely hope, see my post on Carmi,s site.
Great back yard view! I guarantee you that I would not have that spider crawling on my arm!
You always please me with your adventures and captures, and even your choice in bugs! I thought about you the other day as I should have run out and captured a Hummingbird and bumblebee (I just knew you'd get that shot) that were together in my garden but no time that day. I'll keep trying!
I'd be happy in that backyard too, especially if Theda tagged along.
Okay, who lets a spider (albeit a beautiful one!) to crawl up his arm? Gives me the willies, even 500 miles away.
Also, looks like somebody's been chopping some wood.
Aww, she's so pretty, Jim H. I knew she wouldn't bite me.
Now the great big wolf spider outside the sliding basement door the other night...on the other hand...
Thank you for posting a spider...so much fear about them as I had until 10 years ago. Most critters are not out to harm..even mosquitoes are doing it for a reason and oh they are awful this year.. Beautiful spider.... and of course Theda.... Michelle..
Great to be outside
i agree on the molt look. :) beautiful spidey!
That is a pretty spider, but I don't know if I'd be cool with it on my arm. Jumping spiders, on the other hand... I love those little guys!
Theda is such a sweet dog!
Ah, I'm so glad this week's theme provided the inspiration to find the monochrome setting on your camera (sweet camera, too!) I had drifted away from monochrome-only shooting for a while, and now realize just how much I missed it.
That spider is incredible. You have courage, my friend!
Gostei belas fotografias.
Um abraço e boa semana.
That is a beautiful spider! wow.
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