The last time I used this title, the yolk was on me. Turns out my wolf spider was actually a fishing spider, Dolomedes tenebrosus. If this were another fishing spider, I might have tried a picture-in-hand, as this guy did. But I'm pretty sure it's a Carolina Wolf Spider (Hogna carolinensis), and they are not known for being friendly.

It has come to my attention that some readers are not as fond of spiders as meself, so how about a butterfly? I'm used to seeing the Great Spangled Fritillary on the mountain, but this one was noticeably smaller. Perhaps an Aphrodite Fritillary? Or an Atlantis? Or maybe it's a male Great Spangled.

Finally, here's Rory! Definitely not interested in any people food.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
I like all your photos. Yep, even the spider. But I LOVE the photo of Rory! ;))
Great shots. I'm one of those not too fond of spiders. I love the shot of Rory. :-)
I do not mind the spiders, as long as they are not crawling on me. Pretty butterfly and Rory is a sweetie! Have a happy week!
I should have at least put my hand down there for scale. She's a big spider!
Also, I thought I'd try to get a profile shot, but she wasn't under that same (old, decaying) piece of firewood today.
chin on the table made me laugh. i don't mind wolfies (spiders or dogs). i think they're pretty awesome!
spiders are cool, but I prefer the company of flutterbys and Rory more
No spiders for the butterflies. And Rory looks so deprived looking at the food on the tray.
Great photos! In theory I am not afraid of spiders, but they seem to always be jumping out at me from nowhere.
Let's just be perfectly clear rye'chere...
ME! Rory knows what I'm talking about
But I really, really appreciate the butterfly. And Rory, of course.
Those spiders look huge! But very interesting, from a safe distance! The Fritillaries are lovely, some of ours are nearly gone from this country, very sad. And Rory, of course, is great! Our dog would have had that lot, cheese, biscuits and all!!
Great shot of the spider's eyes in the second pic!
Your spiders look fearsome. Great shots of the fritillary, but Rory steals the show - if not the cheese!
Wolf spiders are definitely not friendly, and he looks about as badass as they get! LOL
Great photos!
Isn't it true? Some readers don't like certain critters! I have a leech video I have to sneak in somewhere!!!!
Goodness Rory is just the cutest, and I'm thinking.... maybe just a wee little sample please!
I have posted spider photos and gotten the "ewwwww" reaction but I thought Charlotte the spider was so cute.... Love Rory... he has the best view in the house ... of the food that is.. Michelle
The best thing about wolf spiders is their reflective green eyes. You can see those suckers from a good twenty feet off in your flashlight beam.
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