Here's a Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus):

This is a female Whitetail Dragonfly. She can be distinguished from the female 12-Spotted Skimmer "by the broken/zig-zag, not continuous, white/light line along each side of her abdomen."

Speaking of Whitetails, remember Ashburn deer? This fine fellow was seen in almost the same spot 12 days later.

I was hoping he'd move for a clearer shot, but when I came back down the trail 20 minutes later, he was still there (and keeping a watchful eye):

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Wonderful collection of critters and images. I like deer playing peek-a-boo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
the deer is a beauty!
The stag is gorgeous... that must have been a very special experience! Great photos!
God variety of critters this week.
Wonderful set of critters.
Wonderful collection of photos !! All your critters are beautiful !!
Have a nice Sunday !
Beautiful pictures !!!
I wish you a beautiful Sunday.
Best regards, Irma
Beautiful images you have made, the Whitetail is my favourite, superb.
The Whitetail is my favourite too. It's "belter".
Gorgeous photos...love the ID info. The whitetail reminded me of when my husband and I see a rabbit and it suddenly freezes, hubby always says for the rabbit "They can't see me" :-) I think this whitetail had the same idea. :-)
Great photos! I like the cute deer too!
I do like the Whitetail photo.
Young buck! Nice capture.
Ohhh .... I find it very beautiful butterfly, but the dragonfly I find really fantasist itself to see. Superb blog!
Lovely pictures of the stag, he still has the velvet on his antlers.
Wonderful critters. I love the dragonfly. Have a great week!
I especially like the photo of the female White ....oops! Forgot the rest of the name of the butterfly. BUT I do like the photo very much!
a nice set of critters. cool images of the deer. A little like hide and seek :)
Love love love the stag hiding out ... Just perfect ... I think it's better this way than it would be in the clearing. Admire your knowledge of butterflies!
wonderful beauties!
ALOHA from Honolulu,
You have a good eye spotting that camo deer!
Great photos, as usual. Our two Canada Geese had one baby, but it is, alas, no longer. Poor little thing hardly stood a chance with the Crows.
See you over at Carmi's soon?? Another theme there.
Goodness, could I have one of those Sliver spotted flying critters too? It looks like one I see about, but never know what to call them. All very delightful critters!
Oh and goodness gracious looks what growing again, finally. Busy Carmi has posted, Stuff that grows theme, a good one for you too!
Hi, Dear friend; My dragonfly lover husband LOVED to see your a female Whitetail Dragonfly♪
Lovely critters, the Ashburn deer look SO sweet♡♡♡ So sorry for my belated comment:-)
Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Nice shots of the skipper and dragonfly. That deer was sure elusive!
Nice shots of the skipper and dragonfly. That deer was sure elusive!
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