This young mockingbird was just learning to fly when I took pictures of him in D.C.

I found this jumping spider on my car in W.V. He/she/it/spider refused to cooperate with my paparazzi efforts, and so was taken into custody. (Released unharmed, albeit somewhat annoyed, after pics.)

Last but not least, here is a Common Whitetail Skimmer (Plathemis lydia) in Washington D.C.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
We used to call the common whitetail skimmer as dragonfly. As kids, my friends and I used to catch these dragonflies
I love the sweet deer, lovely sighting. But, a jumping spider UGHH! The skimmer is beautiful. Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
The deer is beautiful and I love the skimmer. Have a happy weekend!
Lovely looking deer.
Those jumping spiders are really quite interesting if you observe them for any length of time. We have one who lives on our front porch. Great critter shots!
I love jumping spiders, they look so comical, they act in a comical fashion too. Great shot of the deer.
I didn't know the name of that dragonfly, so thanks for that.
I think The Prairie Home Companion show would love the street sign with the Mockingbird on it :)
Have a Great Day!
Peace :)
How lovely to see the deer. It was a great shot of the spider. it must be so hard to snap jumping spider,it but you did!
Thank you for your comment. Have a good new week.From Japan.
Love that deer! Not something we have round here, sadly. And how big is that Jumping Spider??? Think I'm glad we don't have those - scuttling ones are quite bad enough!
I like the way the deer knows exactly what you're up to. Such shy creatures.
✿ه° ·. Fotos bonitas!!!
Tenha um maravilhoso domingo!
✿ه° ·.
Beautiful pictures, I like the deer.
The spider I find super.
Best regards, Irma
Superb captures and contribution to the meme! Love the beautiful deer and bird photos
Thank you for visiting today. Your photos are amazing. I love the enlarged photo of the spider, especially....beady eyes and white "fur." Great shadow on the last one too.
Great photos! Love all the different encounters...funny about having to capture the jumping spider to get his picture and him being greatly annoyed! :-)
Cute jumping spider, they are my favorite spiders, and so fun to catch! I love the iridescent green. The deer is cute, a different deer than the ones in my yard that are white-tailed. Thanks for help with the moth ID, I was looking at the Noctuidae but hadn't found the right genus, it does have the ovoid orbicular spot and reniform spot, but would be an Euxoa that is found out here, like tessellata? But it sounds like not such a welcome visitor, since the caterpillar may eat squash plants.
Great spider macro, and love those deer!
Marvelous capture of the jumping spider!
Pretty deer, always so enquisitive!!
Wonderful variety. The deer looks so lovely.
Thanks for dropping by.
The deer is sure pretty. Jumping spiders?! I'll have to tell my daughter about those.
Jumping spiders? EW! But I do love the photos of the deer, mockingbird and whitetail!
Last shot is interesting.
I don't like spiders much, but your photo of the jumping spider is super!!! Wow. And the deer.....gotta love those.
love the deer of course, but what a cool image of the dragonfly? Love the shadows mixed with the insect :)
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