Nine months ago, Amelia was a newborn puppy. Now she's 94.7 pounds (and still growing).

Spiderwort has been blooming all over the place(s) for the last several weeks.

TexWiscGirl has Good Fences #64 up. Here's Nutkin!

Stewart M. has Wild Bird Wednesday 150. I tried to record Mr. Cardinal's song, but someone was mowing his lawn.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Gosh you dog looks enormous now. How big is she goingtoget? Love the criter on the fence.
Amelia is so beautiful :)))
one lanky 9 mos. old! :) i like your fence crosser, too.
Love these images, the pretty Cardinal and cute squirrel. But, Amelia is my favorite image today. Puppies grow up so fast. Enjoy your day!
Sempre lindo tudo aqui! Gostei de ver! bjs, chica
You dog is so cute. I love the picture of the squirrel on top of the fence. Thanks for sharing!
That is one big dog....and still growing! Yikes!
Love Amelia's puppy eyes!
Great capture of the squirrel on the fence!
Enjoy the day!
What a dog; give us a shot of her standing up.
Recoding a bird song always seems to be ruined by other noises, I haven't succeeded either.
Spiderwort sounds like it ought to be something that grows in a petrie dish, not a beautiful flower.
What a cute pup! And big! :-) Love the flowers, squirrel and bird!
Wow, hard to believe seems like just yesterday they were little pups. Amelia has the sweetest face too! Love how she's sitting for your photo too. All great growing stuff! I've missed doing these TP posts!
Wow that's one big puppy you have there.
I think spider wort is a weird name for such a pretty flower.
Loved the squirrel on the fence.
Bummer about not being able to record the birds song.
Dear friend; Your Amelia is a LOVELY puppy♪ Sweet flowers and birds;I wish I could see the cute Cardinal here. Sorry for the mowing sound :-)
Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Your dog is beautiful. Nice flowers and too bad about the noises you cannot control. B
Amelia is all legs!
your world is a lovely place
ALOHA from Honolulu,
Your puppy look so cute! She looks like an Irish wolfhound. Beautiful flowers!
Spiderwort has been blooming all over the place(s) for the last several weeks.
But can you eat it?
How big will she get???!!! Does she need a lot of exercise? And how much does she eat??
Spiderwort is very pretty - lovely blue!
I always enjoy seeing pictures of a Cardinal, and the squirrel is a cutie too.
Woof! One big dog. Thanks for sharing.
That's a hoot. Fun comments for each photo!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
Wonderful photos! Amelia is a beautiful young lady.
fantastic blog.
I saw in you a very interesting posts.
That is a big puppy! I love cardinals. Since we don't have them in the Pacific NW, they still seem exotic to me, even though we see them pretty often now that we are in Florida much of the time.
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