This groundhog was on an elevated section of the W & OD Trail. He/she/it/groundhog could not find a large enough hole to get through when it tried to run away. Eventually he found one, but I didn't think he was going to make it. If he had a waistcoat on, he would have lost all his buttons for sure!

I can't help but take this picture every opportunity:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
The groundhog is funny, I have seen some real chubby ones. Great series of images, the last two doggie shots are my favorites. Have a happy day!
laughed at the cute waistcoat imagery. but adore that beware of dog dog!
He is lucky, TWG. I stood there and watched him, I thought he was completely stuck. Finally, he squiggled through. He's lucky I wasn't a fox!
beware of dog - heh
very nice
good thing he was not dressed up .. the ground hog is something i have never seen, and i love it, but the dog running and the one Guarding are fantastic and make me feel happy just looking at them.
Dude! Missed a chance for some tasty groundhog stew. Plenty of recipes out there on the interwebs.
Rory's dog-run is primo. More like a pasture. Lucky dogs!
Thank goodness for tight squeezes, he sure is adorable, almost as cute as a pup peeking over the fence! Please, don't fence me in too, there's so much country to explore. Take me with you, take me too!
love the little groundhog...beware of dog, that is cute!!
The groundhog looks adorable in someone else's garden, I'm sure they are not so adorable if it is your garden they are tunnelling in. The moles are driving me crazy, I planted some annuals in a bed and the next day there were like 6 mole holes and some pushing the new plants out or burying them. The dog guarding the sign is so funny.
Aww- that dog doesn't look mean enough to have earned that sign. Cute ground hog!
A fence is a fence and then if there is a hole in it stays as good a fence lol ... Really a very nice animal that mandate comes through the gate. That fourth photo I find really great :-))))))))))))))
Greetings, Helma
loved seeingthe Groundhod and also the dog looking over the fence
Oh wow! I've never seen a groundhog in person before.
That dog looking over the fence should be framed!
How neat to spot that Groundhog above ground like that. Glad it found it's way back under the fence. I enjoy both shots of the dogs and the fences.
What an incredible photo you captured. Love this for Good Fences!! Sweet shot of the dog looking over the fence too.
Have a nice evening. cm
Run, Rory, run!
Cute critters and nice fences.
What a cute little guy! So adorable.....but the little guy better hide:)
Great shots of the groundhog. I've never seen one before. Love the big dog in the corner.
I take lots of shots of lots of stuff, too. Your little fellers are just gorgeous.
hehehe, ooooohhhh i LOVE beware of dog. what an awesome contribution!!!
I saw this and thought of your photos of birds!
Do you have the yellow sort?
glad the groundhog got through the fence safely. :)
Liked all the pictures. The one beware of the dog is very good!
Wow;what a CUTE post of groundhog and the sweet doggies for fence♪ Beware of Dog!!! :-)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*
The groundhog is cute. I love the dogs as well.
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