O.K, that's not quite what Carmi meant. How about this fence and garden behind Juergen's German Bakery? I suppose the Scarlet Sage was put there on purpose, but the Morning Glory and Datura are willing volunteers.

In other news, it's been too long since ORBS! were featured here.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Great interpretations of different themes! :-) By the way, I meant to tell you, you are the only person who realized my fence on the fan shaped fence was for a miniature horse farm!
good for you on the run-down! :) and i like the overgrowth on the fence.
Run down, when nature gets a chance, it often quite beautiful! And we had a big moon like that too :) Weather too bad for another one tonight, though :(
It's perfect for Carmi, you know how he loves to see what each of our thoughts on his themes are! Your photos are funtastically cool as always- as for your lovely full moon, I posted on Facebook a (best I could shoot from my cell phone) capture of our Blood Moon early this morning! WooHoo!
My question is are you running down, or up hill? Nice pictures, and beautiful moon.
Uphill, actually, Max.
I usually put the incline at 1.5%, it keeps my strides shorter and my knee doesn't get sore.
My wife is the one who uses the running machine. We have an overgrown fence as well but more run down than yours. Only ivy is holding it up.
Nice moon, and we had a good view of the eclipse here in NW PA right up until it got advanced, then clouds moved in.
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