Friday, October 17, 2014

Road Closed

My contribution to TexWisGirl's Good Fences #30:

I've stopped at Sideling Hill to take pictures before. This time, just a highway cam shot:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.


TexWisGirl said...

the second one is very neat and prim, but i sorta prefer the third one - all overgrown and natural looking. guess it's because of my life in the country. :)

21 Wits said...

Nice view with your highway cam, and the lovely garden is almost as pretty as the fine structures. Looks like a very pleasant place to walk and see critters hiding out of sight!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that german village fence and ha ha on the road closed, yes we get the message... great shots and thanks for the duck link... i was holding my breathe.. they get smashed in our street all the time and should not. we are residential not free way and people just get in a hurry

Cindy said...

great capture of the fences, thanks for sharing

Ida said...

I like that nice Iron fence in the 2nd shot. Also do you think people realize that the road was closed or should they have added a few more Road Closed signs.