This is a Shiny 1954 Mercury in German Village.

And here we have a Spiny Softshell Turtle in Schiller Park.

Also at Schiller, the Painted Lady butterflies were out in force.

Last but not least, a FINE patch of Datura inoxia in German Village.

Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
That is a pretty sweet car. I feel ashamed that it's nearly 60 years old and looks in much better shape than my car.
well, that shiny car is a year younger than me...but it sure as hell looks older!! thanks for that!
we have those softshells here too...they taste just like chicken...
What, no shot of this?
Take a number, R.G.
P.S. I think I'll add Prunella's youtuber.
Oh I so enjoyed the places you took me for shiny- it was fun!
None more shiny
Shiny cars: always a good choice.
Um, the turtle may be shiny, thudner, but may not ride him.
A cool trail you sent us on, thunder. That's a great car too!
I haz a sad- I read the post title and thought you were blogging about your butt.
Shan't... be... back!!!
Aw-reet, the Boss-town sound. Used to love that song yrs. ago. Let's see if it held up.
Yup. Just as stupidly fun as 45 yrs. ago. Can't go wrong w/ pseudo-Nico.
Softshell turtle is all "WTF is that? Incoming! Everybody get down!"
You. But just you. Other people can.
It would be cool if we got that dude we prosecuted for being Bin Laden's driver, ferfuckssake, to pose for a picture in hitler's car. Maybe the THC (The Hitler Channel) could do a documentary on the various upholstery choices hitler made over time. THAT would be fascinating.
Also, too, I read a novel once where a dood got betrayed by his friend so he hunted him down later and poisoned him with Datura. It wasn't terribly clear from the narrative what that did, but the apparent outcome was that it made him insane. Maybe you could run some experiments with that shit and get back to us? 'Cause this might be pretty valuable information in the coming madness...
I haz a sad- I read the post title and thought you were blogging about your butt.
The Mercury is old butt chugging.
Datura? I see what you are doing.
Ben Franklin
Shiny, Spiny, Painted, and Fine
Worst New York Legal Firm EVAH.
What? No, they're fine. It says so in the name.
I find that my ability to comment on wordpress blogs has been severely compromised in just the last week or so.
There's a reason why "FYWP" is a thing, you know.
OK, i just checked my settings...and it should be ultra-easy to post. I don't even make people put their name and email. (At least that's what WP is telling me.) Now, I've changed it so that you do not have to have a previously approved comment to post. Perhaps that will help?
I just tried it again, but the same thing happens: the comment disappears and the blog reloads to the top.
I'm digging all this, but especially have eyes for that car.
I had a turtle once, a red eared slider. She kept outgrowing every enclosure we had for her, and in the house where I grew up she'd get lost on the weird blue-green carpet in my old room. Thankfully my then-girlfriend-later-wife didn't freak out when she first met me.
I guess she liked quirky. And I'm guessing she still does. Whew! that the one with the spiky pods? Hallucinogen, isn't it? We see them in corn fields hereabouts. What a cool car!
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