Only a few trees around here have really started to turn like this one. about some cats and such?

I like this beer packaging, but sorry, Kroger. $10 for four 12 ounce bottles does not compel me.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Oh my I haven't thought about Krogers in like forever! We don't have them here, but when I lived in Michigan it was one of the main places to shop! Your kitties are most is each breath-taking nature and flowery photo! Cool TP post!
That was an enjoyable range of things with orange hues. You might not have many trees that have turned, but that top one is spectacular!
LOVE the fiery tree!!!
and your black cat crossing my path...
cool devil beer too!
Good lord! The moon is leaking!
Also, too, Krogers is nice but I really miss the Piggly Wiggly...
I've often wondered what cats think of the whole autumn thing. And what would they do if we gave them cameras?
You have cooler beer than we do.
And what would they do if we gave them cameras?
Much the same as humans. They document their bloodthirsty killing sprees.
I LOVE those kitty pics!
What have you done to the moon?
The moon was melting, as you can plainly see.
Faster, autumn, kill! Kill!
Clevelandia's dying, so buy our overpriced suds.
A beautiful tree and a cat waiting for an autumn mouse and ending with a vampire drink - just the lead up to Halloween.
For you, R.G.
Great pics of orange, and two lovely cats! Are they yours? I'm a dog person myself, but like cats as well.
The beer leaves me cold!
Black cat is definitely fall. Cool collection!
"does not compel me" GREAT line for Halloween LOL! I liked the black cat in front of the orange flowers, again, Halloween-ish.
Nice pictures! Love the colors in the first two, (the flowers behind the cat are the very color of autumn!) .
Beautiful pictures, thundra!
Not enough grey grey grey in the fall colours. And rain and fog.
They got more than a 216, man.
They got a Icedon- Rikice.
As if that's not bad enough, they also got Melice and Iceberg.
RK1 - Rgyfr- Rgyca- Ricky Berlin - Ricky Vikingo Dark.
And now, everyone's got it on Rick's Setain.
Especially, Ruthibelle.
ditto...D. J M.O.R.G.
Ahh. Now it all makes perfect sense. Thanks Anonny Mouse!!
Awesome time lapse moon shot, took me a minute to figure it out (that's if I even have it right?)
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