Look out kitty cat! Drink up we shall....the second bee shot could be of a bee reading....well he's doing something...and no I haven't touched any beer yet...not even any wine! But, now I have to hop over to youtube to check out your video cuz I couldn't get mine to work here!
Hmmm - I thought you meant whisky, not bourbon ;)
You have outdone yourself with those 2 carpenter bee close-ups, thunder - fantastic.
That is one scary cat!
Look out kitty cat! Drink up we shall....the second bee shot could be of a bee reading....well he's doing something...and no I haven't touched any beer yet...not even any wine! But, now I have to hop over to youtube to check out your video cuz I couldn't get mine to work here!
Kitty has a funny expression in that first pic, but was in the act of trotting up to get petted.
P.S. Here's why I said those Carpenter Bees are cheating.
World of Beer - gotta visit there someday. Great shot of the bourbon too, love the rich color of it.
Is that your hive?
Nope, zencomix, it is located in Frank Fetch Park.
(Forgot I had that label ;-)
I might be in love with that bottle. Yes, I have a bottle fetish. Some people go for shoes... I have a thing for glass and corks ;-)
Not all that different from the Bonzos' message.
I see the bourbon and the beer, where's the scotch?
I'm with Magaly, that bottle is gorgeous.
I've been forgoing hard liquor these days, but when company comes, I have to indulge with whatever's in that bottle.
That cat is awesome. Would you mess with that cat? I wouldn't. He looks scrappy as hell.
That cat likes being petted, and knows that I'm an enabler of same.
The world of beer is way too small. Is it like the Tardis or something?
bee - guiling!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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What the hell am I doing wrong with my life? I should be living in a World of Beer!
I'd probably do a speeling mistake and wind up in a World of fecking Bees
Is that Blanton's then considered "on the rocks"? Awesome stuff!
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