That's a nice, neutral headline isn't it? No surprise coming from The Plain Dealer, which not only endorsed Ohio Governor (and Koch-pawn) John Kasich, but has recommended approval of his union-busting SB-5 in the upcoming referendum.
Joseph Marinucci, president and chief executive of the Downtown Cleveland Alliance, said his organization will arrive about 6 a.m. Saturday to begin putting up Christmas lights and other holiday displays around Public Square. The group will need unrestricted access to the decorations until the beginning of the year, he said.
Demonstrators are willing to help decorate. "They don't have to pay us," (Erin) McCardle said.
Responded Marinucci: "We already use volunteers."
I suppose those merchants need to advertise earlier and earlier for the annual spendathon when most people have less and less cash for presents. In any case, Occupy Cleveland had its day in court and won (note: The Plain Dealer had a far different headline).

Here are some pics from Occupy Columbus on Saturday. No one has threatened their space in front of Capitol Square (home of Ohio's Statehouse) thus far.

In Chicago, Rahmbo is making a name for himself by arresting nurses along with OWS protesters.

Finally, here's video from Occupy Oakland, scene of a police riot on Tuesday:
The War Criminal Post covered this as I've learned to expect (link is not to The War Criminal Post).
So give Charles Pierce a read.
As for John Kasich and his SB-5, here's a tune.
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)