Musical version:
I've adopted the habit of taking photos of the bed of veggies when I make something that will be cooked on them, for art's sake. Maybe your students can use these once they've been put in the proper frame of mind by your speech, Jennifer.

you're kind of in a rut with veggies there, thundra.
Perhaps add some foraged purslane or dendelion greens?
It's a Holy Trinity for oven cooking, zrm. Nice and cheap and holds up well to an hour or so at high temperature.
P.S. I added a couple pics of something you can cook on top.
oooh, I am gonna try that with brains. Looks yummy.
Do you pre-ccok the veggies? Do you close the tinfoil over the top, so the mind control rays don't taint the meal?
I muddle my way through some cajun stuff, but have never heard of it as the "Holy Trinity" before.
For the Superbowl, I did Packers Jambalaya, with yellow and green peppers, onions, celery, and polish sausage; but perhaps considering my undead state, I should develop an Unholy Trinity....
I am chewing the last of two bacon slices as I type.
Bacon is an organ.
I need even more help now as TypePad has decided my blog of 5 years is spam!! Maybe I'll have my students paint with Spam... or paint a lovely still life of Spam and veggies...
if, you broke her blog. You're the Satanic Trinity of the interwebworld.
Yeah... thanks, Thundra!
Yes, I am both Minister of Optimism and Breaker of Blogs (you can call me MooBob, for short).
Zrm, I do put the pan of veggies under the broiler for 6 minutes or so before putting the chicken or whatever on top. I also leave the broiler on to brown the chicken for about 8 minutes, and then turn it down for the cooking. (This is a good time to put in the potatoes, if they're in your plans.)
P.S. Jennifer, you may have to contact TypePad to complain. I'll ask Thers how he got un-blacklisted.
I was confused by the video for a minute, because before it begins, it shows Paul Newman...and then you play and this other guy shows up. And I thought, "Man, Paul Newman really let himself go." But then I saw Paul Newman again and I was all relieved.
BTW, Paul Newman? In his heyday? Possibly the handsomest man on the planet. Seriously. Just an exquisite-looking man. *sigh*
Also, I agree with the shambler that you need to mix it up with the veggies a bit.
I contacted them. All is more or less okay now... although some images fail to come up at times.
LOL! I finally watched the videos. Perhaps I'll just give them a timeout... I'm not sure if they could take a night in the box.
The second picture is a VPR.
You should collaborate with vacuumslayer in a veggie bed photomanipulation series to rival Andy Warhol's Cambell's cans. I want to go to the Guggenheim and see ITTDGY/VS: The Vegetable Series.
Rule 34
paint a lovely still life of Spam and veggies...
With examples stolen from Ptak Bookshop posts??
a veggie bed photomanipulation series to rival Andy Warhol's Cambell's cans
Now I have an urge to photoshop one of Wegman's weimeraners on top of the veges.
With examples stolen from Ptak Bookshop posts??
Only bad Smut steals from there...
Good LORD man!
How many divisions are you feeding?
Fer crissakes, I worry when I make 2 (that's two) thighs. 'Cause what HELL am I gonna do with the leftovers?
That's a nice approach, but you can make it more interesting by dusting them in seasoned flour, dipping them in some kind of dairy (I really like yogurt with sriracha sauce) and sprinkling them with Panko and smoked paprika. Then bake...
Just one division, mikey, but we hope to make it through multiple nights with the one cooking up the apartment with oven.
OT, but Mr Thundra has some splaining to do vis-a-vis the sudden influx of visitors to Riddled from Wonkette, and their subsequent departure holding their heads and moaning.
It was a science question, S.C.
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