That is the site of my Three Little Birds post from long ago. The plants? They are either/or Shasta Daisies, Purple Cornflowers, and Gerbera Daisies. I have some closeups, and I am pretty sure that those are Purple and White Cornflowers (at middle and right). I didn't even know they made White Cornflowers. They're all member of the Asteraceae family, which makes identification tougher for someone like me who doesn't grow them. I'm afraid I misidentified some of these as Gerbera daisies on a previous post. Although I can't afford the care and upkeep of an Ombirdspersonmoose, I'll make the needed corrections because I care about you, the reader.

In other local picture news, I've seen a certain bee over by this home's awesome garden (pic was from this post in October, 2009).

I don't think I've ever seen one before. It is like a bumblebee that is trying to slim down and fit into a wasp suit.

UPDATE: For those who don't know, you can click on the pics I post (at least the ones I've taken myself) for a much larger version. For those who don't want to click because it's too much like work, here's another crop of the Slimblebee™.

I am here to make a short factual statement that will get me banned.
Love these shots. And yes, the bee is interesting..wtf kind IS it?
Just ban Zombie so he can get his panties in a wad and get it over with..its early. ;-P
I'm still waiting for zrm's short, factual statement, Dusty.
P.S. Until somebody who knows something comes along, I am naming this bee "slimblebee".
Well, as far as I can see, that was pretty factual.
But how about this: Thunderpants VOTED FOR OBAMA!!
I thought we all voted for The Big O? I held my nose of course and that is what got a commenter all upended over at BLCKDGRD the other day. He verbally attacked me and seeing as how it wasn't MY blog..I was polite in responding to that nitwit extraordinaire.
Ok, ban him now Thunder..won't hurt a bit I swear. Oh wait..you can't do that shit on BLogger..which is why I always used a third party commenting system whilst I was stuck on their platform of hell.
Have you seen the images of bumblebees in the media these days? They're all so SKINNY. It's like--HELLOOOO!--eat a pollen sandwich once in awhile! No wonder this bee is feeling the pressure.
zrm is brained.
Dusty, some people are purer than the driven snow, and that is why they can condemn you for voting for a Democrat. Point out that the Republicans exploit and encouragement racism, and they will hold their hands over their ears while chanting 'na na na na na!' Because that doesn't help them feel good about themselves (or their moral superiority). It'd be nice if one could point to good things the Democrats do, but alas, the times, the mores. Nonetheless, the Democrats suck in exactly the percentage that they approach being Republicans.
vs, I've posted another closeup of the Slimblebee™. Soon, everyone will want one!
Is that a bee, or is it a son of a bee?
That's the wanna bee
"Slimblebee™. Soon, everyone will want one"
Well...thanks for contributing to the scourge of anorsectia.
Definitely not gerberas.
I love the moths that look like hummingbirds. Have you seen those, thundra. Very bizarre creatures.
They're all member of the Asteraceae family
Teh botanists take great delight in changing the taxonomy of Asteraceae every couple of years and I have given up trying to keep up. I blame the cladists.
I love the moths that look like hummingbirds.
Ah, hawkmoths. Let me tell you about the colour-vision capabilities of hawkmoths in the mesopic range. There will be EXPLAINING VOICE.
And yes, the bee is interesting..wtf kind IS it?
The collective wisdom from the -- with the usual caveat that we were on the 4th pint of Headsplitter Bitter by then and were seeing triple, on account of the special ingredient awakening our pineal eyes -- it's a carpenter bee.
Thanks Clyde! Are you a bug-ologist too?
They are indeed purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) and they do indeed come in white, too.
Plus I think you got some shasta daisies (Leucanthemum sp.)
Let me tell you about the colour-vision capabilities of hawkmoths in the mesopic range. There will be EXPLAINING VOICE.
There are times when the EV is a joy and not a curse. I'd be willing to listen.
Nocturnal species can discriminate flowers at starlight intensities when humans and honeybees are colour-blind. M. stellatarum can use achromatic, intensity-related cues if colour cues are absent, and this is probably also true for D. elpenor. Both species can recognise colours even under a changed illumination colour.
Oooooh get them with their achromatic, intensity-related cues.
I use a factory standard pool cue like ma daddy did.
Well of course the hawkmoths can recognise colours even under a changed illumination colour or they'd always be potting the balls in the wrong order.
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