Nice post on peaceful things, which means a fine rant is building, I bet.
-Ms. F, on my last post.
This is true, although much of my ranting pressure steam is released via comments on other blogs. In any case, here are a few more recent pictures.
Ladles and Jellyspoons, may I present the Transverse Flower Fly, Eristalis transversa?

The local Datura grew to tremendous size last summer, but most were mowed down before the first frost. They're back again, growing through the brick sidewalks of German Village:

UPDATE: Walk On By
So we're jailing cats now? Not nice!
I am but a passing camera enthusiast, recording the scene for post-stare-ity.
Looks like a wild wknd.!
My house, yard, and soul, have been engulfed in purslane. I'm guessing there are many things within the purslane that I could photograph, but the purslane growls whenever I try to make a move.
"I am but a passing camera enthusiast, recording the scene for post-stare-ity.
So you just cavalierly document the horror and walk on by? Shameful.
M.B., there's been quite a number of systems rolling through here, lately. What gets me is when the temperature doesn't get down below 70 at night...that means it's going to be hot and humid the next day.
VS, video added! (Sorry, feesh, I went with Isaac Hayes and not Celine.)
it comes it comes it comes it comes and goes
Part of your rantslessness, not to be confused with a Wu-ian pantslessness, is the fact that you're often under the hypnotic thrall of feline orbs, a most formidable adversary.
P.S. Fuck humidity.
My house, yard, and soul, have been engulfed in purslane.
You lucky, lucky girl!
VS, video added!
Nice. :)
ITTDGYa, email me? --Thers
How the he'll do you do alt text in Blooger? Whenever I try it never shows up.
VS, the trick of alt text in blooger is use title="your caption", not alt="your caption".
Thanks! And damn you, auto correct.
You just need to put the Ayche Eee Double Hockey Sticks in your dictionary, VS, and it won't 'correct' it anymore...
My datura took over the front yard also. Evidently they're illegal in some states due to their unpleasant hallucinogenic properties.
ms f thinks rants can be a thing of beauty, too, you know!!
(especially since you speak for me. we agree.)
thatgirl, in Ohio any hallucinogen is a pleasant relief. (Of course you already know this, being from Clevelandistan and all).
Ms. F, as somebody once said, it's easier putting up pictures than perfecting the rant. And even as your perfect the rant, they pile up new atrocities that make your old rant seem tame and outdated.
I am such a sucker for the Transverse Flower Fly.
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