Need proof?
While an Ohio Senate committee was completing hearings on the controversial SB 5, the anti-union bill bringing thousands of protesters to the State House, a House committee was hearing testimony for the equally controversial Heartbeat Bill. Two of the witnesses were still in the womb.
Since the fetus did not cooperate by letting the wingnut lady laser point to a beating heart, this is obviously one of them terrorist-anchor babies I've read so much about.

P.S. Bonus video, just in case you are not yet chanting "USA! USA! USA!:

Does this mean that since you can't find a heartbeat on Dick Cheney, he is no longer protected?
The EdFlintstone comment made me LAUGH. But, hold on, Ed. Speaking as a Southerner, I just want to say...I'm sure we have more AWESOME tricks up our sleeves!!! Stay tuned!
Sorry NZ closing it's borders ,now. We are dumb enough without importing negative IQ points.
oooh bad morning for Mr. Kiwi
More and more I'm understanding why my mom wants to go back to Germany.
Does this mean that since you can't find a heartbeat on Dick Cheney, he is no longer protected?
Where's the damn "like" button?!
Another Kiwi, that is sound policy.
I feel really bad for the folks getting yelled at in the video. Nobody wants to move halfway across the world to be hated.
Everyone knows that the hearts of anchor babies are replaced by explosives. Duh.
So, did it swear on the bible?
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