Anyways, Paul K. sounds like he's just about had it with Bush's Third Term (or perhaps I'm projecting?):

But the way I see it, Obama adopted Republican framing of the budget debate — including the rhetoric about how families are tightening their belts so the government should too — as early as the 2010 State of the Union, back when Democrats had 59 Senate seats and control of the House.
So, can we now count on Obama, at least, not to preemptively surrender to the right by proposing Social Security cuts — cuts that we know will be a starting point, not an end to the discussion?
No, we can’t.

UPDATE: General Electric is expected to ask its nearly 15,000 unionized employees in the United States to make major concessions.
Last week, the New York Times reported that, despite making $14.2 billion in profits, General Electric, the largest corporation in the United States, paid zero U.S. taxes in 2010 and actually received tax credits of $3.2 billion dollars. The article noted that GE’s tax avoidance team is comprised of "former officials not just from the Treasury, but also from the I.R.S. and virtually all the tax-writing committees in Congress."
After not paying any taxes and making huge profits, ThinkProgress has learned that General Electric is expected to ask its nearly 15,000 unionized employees in the United States to make major concessions.
Pictured Below: Obama with Job Czar Jeffrey Immelt

Perhaps if you gave Jeffrey Immelt and company another billion dollars, they'd hire some people from this country, Barry? (I'm kidding, please don't take this suggestion!)
cuts that we know will be a starting point, not an end to the discussion?
Tighten your belts some more, peasants!
Damn straight. The big boys need more wars and tax cuts, and so we all need to sacrifice.
Crooks and liars, linked you laddie! You're hitting the big time, old chum.
The quality of my animated GIFs is at such a level that I believe people should be willing to pay to see them. Paywall coming soon.
I'm sure the body of Ayn Rand is spinning in her grave as we speak, S_McG, due to the availability of free animated Goatse alone.
But but but...he's better than Palin!
people should be willing to pay NOT to see them.
Lemme just adjust your biz-ness model for you there.
You can't hire lazy Americans content to live fat cat lives on unemployment checks.
(I'm kidding, please don't take this suggestion!)
ha. He's got LOTS of terrible ideas without your help.
For instance, FDL is reporting a strong rumor this AM that Betrayus is being tapped to head the CIA.
Whee. Why not go Full Wingnut and put in Ollie North?
and, because I know how much this will cheer you up thunder:
Endgame in sight.
Even worse, zrm, that's why there's no new thread at Sadly, No!
frickin' Brad Reed. Wantin' to get paid...
P.S. Speaking of no new thread, I've got to transition my way back east. If I'd gotten my act together yesterday, I might have had nuthatch pictures to post today.
Crooks and liars, linked you laddie! You're hitting the big time, old chum.
"I knew him when he was just a rusted-out old camper" I'll say. *sniff*
Also Doghouse Riley.
Whoah. I'll guess that's the last comment he'll ever make on MY crappy lil blog.
Don't worry Thunder. Riddled always loved you the best!
I spent two weeks last summer writing for FDL and all I got was this lousy "War is Boring" tee shirt...
due to the availability of free animated Goatse alone.
Some comments should never be read before mealtime... or ever...
WAIT! You missed getting nuthatch pron!?!?
I shan't be back...
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