In further celebration of Mooselini's Day, 2011, I offer the assembled this youtuber, brought to my attention by fellow Buckeye Statianersian Blue Girl:
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
80 Yrs. Ago Today
8 minutes ago
Yay Sarah! Totally not fascist to throw 'em all in jail!
I missed the jail line! I'll have to listen again.
I cannot stop laughing at this video. Can. not. stop. laughing. ever.
"Huntin' for skunk," too.
Our only hope is for those two, the very definition of angry, bitter clingers, & their ilk, to be dead (& not voting, either!) by 2016.
Milli Vanilli - The Golden Years.
Needs moar Hammond Organ.
And cowbell.
Let's not sully Cthulhu's good name by putting him & Palin in the same post, alright? Sheesh.
I knew better... and yet I clicked "play".
I am ready to leave, now.
Jennifer, aren't you glad you clicked? I know it's terrible but it's my favorite thing of all time (at least for this week). Especially the whole sweeping the riff raff into cracks deal.
I love that!
NZ cartoonist contributes to Moosilini day
Having, just now, watched the video I have tears of laughter in my eyes. "It's gonna be cold as hell" I'm stealing that for my next poem.
sweeping the riff raff, brilliant!
I know, AK, I know! I haven't laughed this hard over something in forever. I am very grateful to the video for that.
Tears streaming.
And also. They worked VERY HARD on that song.
And what does the Cold as Hell line mean? To me it would mean that hell will freeze over before Sarah Palin's president. But it must not mean that to them. Obviously.
Sorry, Peter, but BG in my prior post comment thread first directed my attention to this magnificent tribute to American political debate in these years of our declining empire.
i like how the old broad is channeling stevie nicks...
I like the woman being overtaken with the overwhelming duty of it all... it's a big message, but someone has to deliver it!
Thank GAWD she knew what those founding fathers meant!
I wasn't sure what the cold as hell comment was for either. Perhaps they should have said it'll be a cold day in hell if she ever gets there.
BG- I've been distracting myself today with bad Shatner emoting. :)
anybody got a transcript of the lyrics? I can't bring myself to listen all the way through.
How soon before these geezers get their own Fox show?
I'm pretty sure the he'll freezes over line was used with the same awareness of the McCarthy comparison Roy wrote about the other day. IOW, they're too st00pid to realize what they are actually saying.
This is why I hate America.
"I like the woman being overtaken with the overwhelming duty of it all... it's a big message, but someone has to deliver it!"
Yes! She is damn serious. lol
I have nothing to say about The Dead, so I wanted to thank you again for introducing me The Best Thing Currently on the Internetz.
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