This is my brother's Canon 30D with a Canon 70-210 zoom lens I bought for my EOS-650 back in the 1980s. (It was nice of Canon to keep our family in mind as they maintained this compatibility.) The G12's built-in lens doesn't have quite enough power to get good shots of the birdies on our feeder at the range they'll allow you to approach.

My, what a long lens you have.
I was just watching the Lawrence Welk Show...
I thought I'd get a comment about that from you, M.B.
Luverly little birdies, Thunder.
I wish I my lens was that long. Do they make Viagra for point-and-clicks?
Wow. In an unexpected coincidence, I also often eat while hanging upside down. It cost me a pretty good girlfriend once, and another time I had a neighbor who was a State Cop who SWORE there had to be a statute it violated and JUST WAIT 'til he figgered out what it was!!
eating upside down may be fine, but the Mickey mouse Mambo is banned in 37 states.
Fair warning: if you keep posting pics of your adorably chubby-wubby cat, I will come and steal her.
That camera makes me drool. I always wanted one like that...that makes me look like a badass photographer instead of a dorky tourist.
Where are the nuthatches?
We had a Northern Flicker in the backyard the other day... only the second time I've seen one since living here. It was my bird excitement for the day... probably the week.
The nuthatches were around, Jennifer, but the photo sequence above occurred in about 3 minutes while I was otherwise getting my act together to "transition" back to Ohio.
Alt text updated, btw. First, the titmouse had the feeder, then downy woodpecker said "my turn!". There was a pair of chickadees hanging out in the branch above for awhile, and finally one said, "enough with you, you feedhogger woodpecker!"
P.S. I think I have some "transition photos", but I'll have to get them off the camera to be sure.
More Anacani please.
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