Here is Mrs. Cardinal taking to the air.

I'm raven about this crow. (Or the other way.) Unfortunately the sun was on the wrong side for great pixels, but the (big) bird was so focused that it let me get closer than they usually do.

Carpenter Bee

Grass Spider:

This is Trichopoda pennipes:

The Carpenter Sisters:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
loved all your critters. beautiful insect shots.
Hello, pretty images. I like the flowers and butterfly and bees. The spider is cool. Nice captures of the cardinal and crow. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and week ahead!
I think they're always saying, "Hey. The feeder's dry."
Late season bugs getting ready for the winter!
Love the spider!....
Ah, Nutkin, I love the little scamp!
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