We got to West Virginia late yesterday afternoon and the local birds haven't found out there's food on the porch again (yet). Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal were strutting their stuff in the backyard in D.C. yesterday.

Update: They're here!

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Love the cardinals and they are frequent visitors to our feeders. I'm visiting from Saturday's Critters.
cute little platter party.
Think the cardinals are so beautiful!! Lovely shots!
Love the Cardinals! So bright and cheerful!
Our Summer birds are gone, and our Winter birds have not arrived yet, so Cardinals are the only birds I am seeing at our feeders right now.
Have a great week-end!
Such delightful little expressions they have!
Hello, the Cardinals are beauties and always a treat to see! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your Saturday and the weekend!
It won't take them long to learn that the porch cafe is open again! The cardinals are so handsome!
Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Cardinals…I love them all! Thank you so much for identifying the ducks on my blog today. I really appreciate it and my post has now been updated.
they are welcome all of them :)
awwww pretty yard birds, i see them all here in my yard!!! the cardinal couple, bright and beautiful!!
Sweet little birds!
Your birds didn't waste much time in refinding the goodies on offer. Birds are smarter than some humans don't you think?
We birders appreciate your participation this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'!!! Thanks for sharing this!!! Cardinals are my all time favorite bird [I used to marvel at them even when I was a little pipsqueak of a girl]
..........oh, and I agree with Phil above----birds are smarter than some humans.
Mr & Mrs Cardinals are a pretty cute pair. Also so is the Nuthatch! It is interesting to watch them. Have a good day!
Those cardinals are gorgeous! They look like they could be cheeky!?
Those are some glorious pictures. Did you use an improvised blind? The cardinals are gorgeous, but my fave is the nuthatch, they are such comical little birds.
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