I'm too late for Michelle's Nature Notes (#367). But you should go visit her anyways! Here's another pic of the Black Rat Snake from last week. So cooperative!

Thursday's come and gone. Here's Amelia for TexWiscGirl's Good Fences #117 (I'm too late for that one, too. Just didn't have my blogging shoes on this week :P ).

I'm not too late for Eileeninmd's Saturday's Critters #131. Here's a sweat bee on a thistle flower:

Here's an Ashburn Bambi. Usually they run away when they see me, or shortly after. Not this one! A jogger came by. A plane went overhead. A couple people on the trail behind me stopped their bicycles to watch. And Bambi kept on eating about 10 feet away.

I've got four of these, I'm saving two for later.
I'm also linking to Carmi's Thematic Photographic 373 - In the metal.
After checking my June photos, this is about the only metal I took snaps of. It was rush hour traffic and this car had cut in front of me FOUR times. (Note the four minute difference between the two pics, and this after he'd aggravated me enough to take his picture in the first place.) For an encore, he cut in front of the car behind me a couple more. Obviously, the weaving in traffic approach was getting him no where, but he just kept on doing it.

And now for something pleasant again: Anni's I'd Rather B Birdin'. Some of these are house finches, I'm not sure who that is in front though.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Hello, I am not sure if I would like a snake crawling on my shoes, creepy. I love the photos Amelia and the fence. The bambi videos are wonderful, she is pretty. It is funny watching the weavers still get caught up the traffic, I guess they wish they had wings and could fly over the back up. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!
great friendly snake! love amelia peeking in the 'beware of dog' fence. please link this next week, even if you have another post. bambi is really used to people. and your 'who's in front' might be a cowbird.
yep...a very cooperative racer
I too think it's a cowbird like Ms. T commented. Just think...not positive. Such a sweet, sweet looking dog.
Now I KNOW you're half crazy to let a snake crawl that close AND on your shoe...why I'd be running and never stop 'til I know it's gone gone gone!!!! Then, probably put the house up for sale. [*kidding]
Thanks for linking up this weekend dear one. Much appreciated. And speaking of 'dear' one...love the videos.
Me too, work has been consuming to much of my time lately! Great moments here though, and I trust you had a wonderful day yesterday!
Nice set. I'm not yet that comfortable with snakes, though I saw a larger rat snake here last week & didn't panic but watched it crawl through my yard into the creek.
Oh no, please no snake anywhere near me! You are so brave to allow the snake to come so near you. But I would love to be near a Bambi anytime.
I love the snake and Amelia and the deer is gorgeous!
Glad to see you've got some metal preventing squirrels getting the bird food! And Bambi is gorgeous! (And Theda, of course!!)
Look at that snake! He's pretty close for comfort. But actually, I love to see snakes.
Lovely series of photos. That's quite a long snake. The deer photos and videos were lovely too. And sweet doggies :)
yay! thank you!
Love the dog next to the sign on the fence. Great looking dog and a nice fence.
Also enjoyed your other photos, especially the deer.
Please tell me rat snakes won't bite humans?
I love the shot of Amelia at the fence and what a treat to be able to film Bambi! Beautiful!
Loved to see the Rat snake. But have to wonder....how on earth can it catch a rat?
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