For TexWiscGirl's Good Fences #89, I have this morning glory fence from Columbus just over a month ago:

I'm also contributing to Michelle's Nature Notes (#340). I did not get a great macro of this Marbled Orb Weaver, but I'm putting it up anyways. I've seen them in vanilla and yellow, but this is the orangest one ever! (My sister, for some reason, did not find this spider nearly as spectacular as I did.)

And here are some of the suet feeder fans:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Cute birds and your Christmas Cactus is lovely. The morning glories are pretty too. That spider is a little creepy, neat color though. Have a happy day!
Beautiful Christmas Cactus on the fence rail and the vine growing along the fence is so pretty. Not a fan of the spider but he is interesting in the markings.
Love the bird shots too.
Wow the spider got my attention! It's makings & vivid colour are pretty spectacular
& the birds at the geese are sweet!
That is one very cute cactus from your sister. I missed Carmi's call too, so I'll have to pop on over too! Great captures again, you always share the fun stuff, thanks.
All wonderful 'nature photos' ~ love the ivy covered fence!
Wishing you a magical week,
artmusedog and carol
What a fantastic spider! Lovely image of the morning glory. And beautiful little visitors. Love your succulent too!
You have the best spiders. Ever!
the visitors we get maintaining a feeder...
Beautiful cactus!
Lovely birds, and yes the spider is spectacular!
a very cool spidey! and i love glory vines!
Pretty Christmas cactus, Gorgeous Morning Glory growing over that fence, Cute birds and a really Cool Spider, I've never seen one like that.
Oh, Lovely Christmas Cactus with Fence; I thought I should have been more sweet sister for my late brother :-) Really adorable visitor for you
So sorry for my recent absence, wishing you will have a wonderful coming weekend.
Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Love seeing those Morning Glories!
My indoor cactus has not flowered yet and does not look as if it will in time for Christmas. Great bird feeders.
Love the Morning Glory cascading over the fence
I must remember to plant morning glories next year!
You know how much I enjoy birds and that spider... Wonderful!... Michelle
✿ه° ·.
Suas fotos são lindas.
O que mais me chamou atenção foi a segunda foto que lembra uma planta de flores azuis que são minhas favoritas e nem sei o nome delas... postei algumas no meu blog.
Ótimo fim de semana com tudo de bom!
❤ه°˚ ·.
Love the Christmas cactus, not so much the spider. LOL!!!
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