I've posted pics of the Wienermobile before, but on Wednesday, December 02, 2015, 3:57:22 PM, I spotted it on the move meself.

I'm also contributing to Michelle's Nature Notes (#341). There is still some color on the trees in Washington, D.C.:

Here's Theda eagerly awaiting her grooming at PetSmart:

Local action:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Yeah. Grooming. What self respecting pooch doesn't love that?
Love seeing the weinermobile!
Weinermobile - strangely fascinating! All dogs love their baths, don't they? And those leaves are a lovely colour.
that wienermobile is awesome! and love the little sparrows!
I have never seen the wienermobile, cool! Poor Theda does not like groomings? Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!
I too have not seen a wienermobile. Love the fall colour. Theda knows how to appreciate her grooming!
Hello Theda so happy to see you! I like catching the Wienermobile around town too!
Never, ever seen a Weinermobile!! Glad Theda enjoys her pampering! And pleased to see you have the same sparrows as we do!
I've seen that silly thing only once before, but fun to see it wheeling down the road. Polly is not so anxious for her grooming.
Hot dogs for lunch then. The power of photographic suggestion!
I've seen the Wienermobile on FB, how fun for you to see it in person. It's funny to me that Theda would be eagerly awaiting her grooming. Dogs are so amusing.
I have never seen it here... Nice to see some color there... A meeting of sparrows and one soon to be clean dog... Michelle
Look at that driver, just hot doggin' down the road...
Ive never seen a wienemobile but I do know dogs that hate to have a bath.
I saw the Weinermobile years ago - glad to know it is still on the move!
Have a great day!
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