Let's see if I can catch two birdies with one camera? Here are some natural columns in Little Forest Park, Washington, D.C.

Mysterious entities have arranged some of the columns:

Theda will investigate.

Fences? Sure!

And one last column:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
i like your spotting assistant! too cute!
There is always a good sequence in your photos. Love Theda, beautiful dog!
Great series, Theda looks like a great investigator.. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving in the autumn forest, Mr. Thunder!
Theda is beautiful. They are so inquisitive, aren't they. My little dog right now is very fascinated by the birds who hang out in my dry flowers outside.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe Carmi slipped in a theme. I kept checking, and checking and I figured, oh well not this week! Bingo you're posting! How cool is that? Great photos here, and I like your combining for Good Fences too!
Enjoyable. Happy Holiday
ALOHA from Honolulu
Nothing much misses Theda!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving festivities :)
Look out, there's one sneaking up behind you right now!
I guess somebody finally got smart about those "SLOW CHILDREN" signs.
Love the alert dogs. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Love that last one - children do tend to get everywhere! And great ones of Theda - she is a gorgeous dog!
Lovely serie! and what cute investigator, indeed!! Happy day to you!
Fun post. Theda seems to be enjoying herself. Happy Thanksgiving.
Love the dog. It looks so healthy and alert.
Good to see Theda making the theme again.
The columns must have told many stories.
Your Carolina Wren is so sweet. And I LOVE the sumac!
First, I thought you said it snowed? Hehehe! Don't ask about my weather, I even posted no snow photos in my Good Fence post! Theda is determined to not let anything get by her! What a cool companion you have. I like the stick house too, I'm wondering if any Elves may be living inside!
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