I ran across a couple of Brown Snakes (Storeria dekayi) during my last visit to the Scioto Audubon Metro Park. Here is Brown Snake 1:

Picture shown for SCALE (these are adult Brown Snakes):

Brown Snake 2 puffed up as a defensive measure, although I did not pick him/her/it/Storeria dekayi up:

I looked around for the bullfrogs again. I found one (and vicey versey).

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Are you sure it's a snake and not a very elaborate Halloween costume? And I'm sure that's really got to be a prince! He's just too adorable.
such a cute little snake!
Loved the video of the snake. Have a great weekend.
It is a neat snake, great sighting. I would not want to pick up though! I love the cute frog. Great photos..Thank you so much for sharing your post and linking up. Have a happy weekend!
What a tiny snake! Cute. I don't remember seeing them in my herpetology studies in Texas. They seem to have a lot of defensive postures.
Great find on the snake and the frog!
That was a tiny snake!
I never saw snakes in my yard in NY, but now we have them in Colorado. I don't mind as longs as they are not the poisonous rattlesnakes!
I would not dare to hold them in my hands.
One snake I don't know!
I haven't see many this year unfortunately.
Thanks for sharing, keep well!
I like Mr Bull Frog peeping out of the muddy waters but am not keen on the small snakes!
Oh, I'm not so much of a fun of snake but your seems little and no harm, right ;-)
It is pity the area around where I live no longer able to see these creatures.
Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
The snakes are so beautiful and the frog is cute too.
The Brown Snake is beautiful, I love 'em.
You bring back memories of my childhood in New Jersey, when I could catch brown and garter snakes by the dozens to release in my back yard. A couple of times I forgot to empty my pockets, to my Mom's distress. One even ended up in the washing machine! Sadly, the habitat that we exploited so unwisely is now paved over as a housing development.
what a neat little snake, cute frog too
As long as they are not poisonous I would just have to pick one up to take a closer look and take pictures.
what a cute frog - did you kiss it?
Nice snakes - I wasn't ambitious enough to pick mine up!
I know some snakes are beneficial and are totally harmless, but all snakes scare me. The frog is very cute, though.
Love that bullfrog!
Like the snake! Love the beautiful green frog. Would enjoy that walk! Thanks for sharing it.
Was this part of some W.Va. mtns religious holy-roller service?
Wow, great observation and a wonderful snake.
I love them! Our bullfrogs have gone to sleep. It was -2 C. last night. They're pretty sleepy!
looks a bit like one we have. It is not a snake realy but a lissard without legs. Would be fun to know if this is similar. :)
Love the snakes, and the frog. Ginger developed a habit at the end of the summer of catching the same garter snake over and over. Oddly enough, she wouldn't hurt it, but one of us two-legs would always end up putting it in the rock pile where it makes its home.
Thanks, everyone!
Those snakes were sunning themselves on the bike path and the road. I urged them back into the grass when done taking their pictures.
Mr. or Mrs. Bullfrog would not let one get very close...even if somebody wanted to try walking in that mud!
ummmm, don't love snakes but your images are wonderful. a cutie pie toad, that's more my style!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm back to visit, but have to say that I'm not too excited about those snakes you are showing in the photos. The frog is cute. I'll be back!
The green toad is so cute. Snakes are interesting, but kind of freak me out in person.
I especially love the frog!
I love snakes and frogs. Great captures. We have a bullfrog that over winters in my goldfish pond!
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