Would you believe a very large woodpecker on a small suet feeder?

How about some Billy Bragg:
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Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
My mom has a pileated woodpecker in her yard. I should get her a suet feeder for Mothers' Day.
I don't know how that double post happened... HONEST!
In breaking news: I have just ordered my first-ever bird feeder!!!! Excited much!
Clearly your lovely bird pics are spreading tentacles of influence to the other side of the world, thunder...
Forsythia - my mother loved that shrub and always grew it. I guess it's too warm for it where I live.
Yes, to both feeders!
Suet is very cheap...and the birdies love it. I've been taking my feeder in at night since that raccoon figured out how to raid it.
When I come out in the morning, the birds are sitting in the tree, waiting for me.
Spring is busting out all over!
That's the kind of 'peckers we have here in GA: big boys that leave big holes.
Love the redbuds... love the woodpecker, but what I really want to see is a lovely photo of nice Sasquatch. :)
Hooray hooray, the First of May ...
I ate a bunch of redbud flowers yesterday. They were especially sweet tasting after I nibbled on a very bitter dandelion leaf.
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