Here is Lake Siri in the morning:

How about a Marbled Orbweaver? (P.S. I don't recall ever seeing the word "Hoarctic" before.)

Would you believe Muscovy ducks by Lake Siri nibbling on my left foot?

Other Birdness:

A Tufted Titmouse for BBBB:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Gosh the colours in that first shot! Golden indeed. And I love the peaceful waters of Lake Siri in th morning :)
Suet & Orbs.
Hell, you should rename your blog that. That would be perfect: Suet & Orbs!
Amazing brilliance of the fall colors. The morning mist off the lake. And that spider. Man! I had no idea something like that actually existed.
What a lovely, peaceful looking place this is.
What a lovely, peaceful looking place this is.
Hell, you should rename your blog that. That would be perfect: Suet & Orbs!
I'm hearing "Suet and Orbs" as if it were sung by the Snowman in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Suet and orbs, suet and orbs... needs work.
I love that Red Bellied Woodpecker! There is a lot of power in that bill!
Still remarkable today too! I just posted my power post!
I'm envious of all your birds. It's usually a couple of months before our woodpeckers come back.
Thanks for sharing the Marbled Orbweaver. Powerful capture.
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